Consider replacing old double glazing

Consider replacing old double glazing

Many people believe that once double glazing has been installed then there’s never a need to upgrade it. Thousands of properties across the UK have uPVC windows that are up to two decades old. They are unaware that they are losing money each month as well as polluting the environment.

Double glazing which was installed before 2002 is now much less thermally efficient than designs available now, and you could make significant energy efficiency gains by switching out the glazing.

The benefits of upgrading double glazing

Thermal performance is important. It keeps the cost of heating down to the absolute minimum, and it also means that heat isn’t escaping into the atmosphere. When energy is released through inefficient windows, the carbon emissions produced add to the pollutants we are all responsible for, meaning our carbon footprint is greatly increased.

There are a number of reasons that old double glazing should be replaced:

  • The immediate benefit will be the reduction in energy bills. This is because new windows have much better insulating properties so you don’t need to have the thermostat set so high
  • Decreasing energy use means decreasing your impact on the environment, reducing carbon dioxide emissions
  • Your home will feel more comfortable, with less draughty or cold spots, and less fogging and condensation.
  • Health benefits include a decrease in black mould and spores
  • You’ll notice better noise reduction. For those in a city centre, or perhaps near an airport, modern double glazing will help to keep the home tranquil and relaxing, without the disturbance of noise pollution
  • New windows will really spruce up the look of the property and improve its kerb appeal. Modern windows come in all kinds of designs and colours, and a change could be as good as a revamp. For those home owners with sash windows, there is no longer the restriction that only wooden frames can be purchased as there are now excellent double glazed sash window options
  • New windows have better security features, such as more sophisticated locks. You’d be surprised how easy it is to break into old-fashioned patio doors, and windows that have warped may never close properly anyway
  • A new composite front door will make your home more secure and attractive.

Upgrading your windows is expensive, but not necessarily prohibitively expensive. If your glazing is more than 10 years old, you’ll probably gain more in energy efficiency than you would if you fitted solar panels. If you’ve already topped up your loft insulation, your windows should be next on the list.

Future-proof with the experts

If you’ve realised that your double glazing is becoming creaky and old, it could be costing you money and impacting the natural environment. Face it: it’s time to upgrade. There are so many benefits to new windows that it doesn’t make sense to delay. Contact Hamilton Windows today and our expert team will happily provide you with a quote for replacement windows. Help the planet – and your pocket – by upgrading your double glazing this summer.