At Hamilton Windows, one of the things on which we pride ourselves, is the wide range of colours and finishes that we can offer for each of our glazing products.

There has been extensive research done into colour psychology, and what particular colours can reveal about personality types.

That’s why today we’re discussing what your chosen colour for your front door might just say about you!

So, it’s time to ask yourself – what’s your favourite colour?

front-doors-new-malden#1. Black

A black door is indicative of a homeowner with a need for control and order.

You’re potentially conservative, consistent, and reserved.

When it comes to design, the colour black may also suggest that the property owner usually opts for simple sophistication.

#2. Blue

The colour blue reveals a homeowner’s desire for peace and tranquillity.

You’re at your most content when “going with the flow.”

#3. Green

A green door suggests you need to feel loved, secure and safe to be happy.

Relationships are exceedingly important to you.

You’re likely to care about your home and community, too.

#4. Orange

Choosing the colour orange for your front door may indicate that you’re somewhat of a social butterfly.

You love social gatherings, and excel when taking on new challenges.

#5. Purple

You’re a potential free spirit, who is comfortable taking risks in life.

#6. Red

Chosen the colour red for your front door? Chances are you enjoy being centre stage.

You’re also unafraid of going for what you want, and experiencing life to the fullest.

#7. Turquoise

A turquoise door hints at a character that craves emotional balance.

As an idealist, you’re frequently in pursuit of your hopes and dreams.

#8. White

Simplicity and organisation are your strong suits.

You probably also particularly like neatness and cleanliness.

#9. Yellow

A yellow door reveals a logical and creative individual.

You have a positive, sunny disposition, and may even enjoy early mornings!

Some call you the leader of the pack.

For a range of gorgeous colours and finishes for your front door, get in touch with Hamilton Windows

We’re available on 020 390 4855 to quote for a new composite door or wooden front door for your Surrey home. You can also contact us by sending us an email at

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