Throughout time, windows and doors have held notable symbolic importance. Far from being common, everyday household objects, glazing products have in fact had immensely positive associations with themes of communication, liberation, hope and opportunity. In today’s post, Hamilton Windows is exploring some of the more esoteric connotations of our industry products.


David A. Crenshaw informs us that “doors are often utilised to represent opportunity,” and throughout history, the same has been shown of windows, too. You probably remember the famous line from Rodgers and Hammerstein’s ‘The Sound of Music,’ when the lead protagonist, Maria, asserts, “when the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.” In this instance, and countless others, windows and doors are positioned as metaphors for the offering of potential opportunity. It is probably due to the fact that windows and doors open up, allow entrance, as well as exit, which make them such perfect comparative objects.


Windows and doors are associated with the concepts of freedom, liberation and escapism. If someone claims that something has metaphorically “gone out of the window,” there’s a strong insinuation that the subject in question has well and truly freed itself, and probably won’t be returning. Brook Shields also once advised, “Don’t waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window, or break down a door.” In this case, too, windows and doors are shown to be associated with a real sense of personal liberty and trailblazing.

Contact the Surrey window and doors specialists today

So, to impart some positive symbolism on your property, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Hamilton Windows. We offer an attractive range of premium glazing products, so call 020 8390 4855 and we’ll be happy to offer you a personalised, complimentary consultation.