Reducing your carbon footprint has a two-fold benefit: you are doing your part towards global warming AND it can also mean lowering your bills.

Let us tell you more…

The climate

The 2008 Climate Change Act was the world’s first legally binding climate change target, and the UK is current undergoing a radical project—fronted by the Department of Energy and Culture—to reduce the country’s carbon emissions by a whopping 80% by 2050. The world as a whole must reduce its carbon footprint and every individual must play his/her part. You can play yours by simply making sure your windows and doors are insulated properly.

Lower your bills and your carbon footprint

Insulating your property means saving energy, and that means reducing your carbon footprint. With this in mind, there are two key places that heat escapes a house: through the windows and the doors. So, if you make sure these are insulated properly, you’re well on your way to a smaller carbon footprint.

Insulated windows

Older, non-energy-rated windows waste an astonishing 0.7 tonnes of CO2… every year! Energy-rated UPVC windows are one of the most effective ways to reduce energy usage and your carbon footprint, decreasing heat loss by a fantastic 20% each year. Having your windows double or triple glazed is another excellent way of lowering the amount of energy you consume.

Insulated doors

By opting for a highly insulated type of door, such as a composite door which contains an insulating layer of polyurethane, you can reduce the amount of heat leaving your home, decrease the fuel needed to heat it up and, in turn, lower your carbon footprint. Composite doors are available in a variety of finishes and suit a wide range of properties.

Make the change

There are a number of ways each of us can reduce our carbon footprints, and they come hand in hand with a multitude of benefits that affect you and your day-to-day life. Insulating your house properly will save more than £250 per yearon your heating bill; double or triple glazing will reduce condensation in your home; and a composite door offers improved security—and all of these steps also reduce your carbon footprint!

Let us help

For more information on how Hamilton Windows can help you reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your heating bill, please give us a call on 020 8390 4855 or send us an email.