How to tell if your window frames need replacingProperly functioning windows are integral to keeping your home warm and secure. Whether the frames are made from timber, aluminium or uPVC, your property’s windows should be strong, well-sealed, double glazed and free from damage. If you live in an older home or period property, it is important to upgrade inefficient, single-glazed windows to modern alternatives; if your home is already fitted with modern, energy-efficient windows, you should contact a window specialist immediately if you notice a fault with your glazing.

Here are just some of the ways you can tell if your windows need replacing.

There is a draught coming from your windows

If you feel a draught or a cold spot around one of your windows, this is often a sign that the rubber seal has broken – causing your double glazing to lose its effectiveness and heat to escape from your home. It is always worth checking that the window is shut tight and that the draught is not coming from another source before you hire a specialist to replace your window! Of course, you can always ask an expert for advice if you are unsure.

If a seal needs to be replaced on your double- or triple-glazed windows, it is generally more reliable and cost-effective to replace the entire window. This is because the inert gas that should be in the sealed cavity will have escaped, and so will need replacing.

There is condensation in between the glazing panels

While condensation on the outer surfaces of your windows is generally a result of poor ventilation in the room, moisture or fog in between the glazing panels signifies an issue with the window itself – generally, it means that the seal has broken. This could result in a draught, making your home feel cold, damp and uncomfortable, and meaning you need to use the central heating more often than you should have to.

There is damage to the frames

Modern window frames are specially designed with thermally insulating frames that keep the heat in. If a frame has been damaged, it will not be able to perform as effectively, and it is important to get the window replaced. Damage could occur for a number of reasons: if your windows are made of uPVC, for example, they might have been broken or cracked as a result of some external force; if made of timber, they may have begun to swell or rot due to ongoing exposure to moisture, or because the correct treatments have not been applied.

Don’t leave it too late before you replace your windows. We recently completed a number of replacement double glazing installations in Esher which have helped keep the cold out and the heat in!

Here at Hamilton Windows, we can advise you on whether your windows need replacing. If you live in Surrey or the surrounding area, contact us today to find out more.