Hi there!

My name’s Paul Boyd, and I’m the Managing Director of Hamilton Windows. Thanks so much for stopping by.

If you’ve been enjoying reading through our various double glazing blog posts over the past couple of months, I’d love to tell you a bit about how you could also benefit from following us on the social networking site, Twitter!

1. Latest news from the industry

Stay abreast of the most recent developments in the glazing industry, with our informative daily updates. We’ll always do our best to share interesting articles, videos and links, which will add value to the lives of general homeowners, as well as to the careers of professionals in the trade.

2. Queries answered

Having trouble ridding your home of condensation? Experiencing a drafty window? Not sure which kind of window upgrade to go for? Tweet us, and we’ll do our very best to advise you on the best course of action.

3. Sneak peeks

Wondering what our next blog posts are going to be about? Follow us on Twitter and we’ll bring you sneak peeks to keep you entertained until we next publish!

4. Hints and tips

From ways to decorate your doors at Christmas, to tips for spring cleaning your windows in March, trust @HamiltonWindowz to give you helpful tips for living with your glazing products.

5. Inspiration

We don’t want to keep things too corporate, so we’ll share thoughts, quotes and everything else in between, to keep you entertained, and your creative juices flowing!

So, don’t delay in joining our online community. We’ll also check out your page. If we think you’ll benefit from the networking opportunity, we’ll make sure to follow you back!

I look forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes,

Paul Boyd

Director of Hamilton Windows