uPVC is a strong, durable and long-lasting building material, which is why it’s perfect for making windows. uPVC windows are highly secure and energy efficient, and are also incredibly affordable, enabling homeowners to purchase high-quality windows on a budget. Like all materials, uPVC has its downsides: one being that it can be damaged quite easily. Cosmetic damage, such as scratch marks, dents or discolouration, can be caused by cleaning your uPVC window too harshly – either with chemicals or abrasive cloths and scouring pads. Accidentally dropping a heavy item onto the frame is another cause of breakages in uPVC.

uPVC frames cannot be repainted in the same way as timber and other materials, simply because many primers aren’t adhesive enough to bond to the frame. It is also exceedingly difficult to fill a damaged uPVC frame, and may leave marks and patches on your windows that cannot easily be covered up. It is often more cost effective to replace your uPVC in the first place, rather than attempting to repair it, and will also mean that your windows are likely to last longer as you won’t have to keep dealing with a recurring issue – for example, if the brittle frame has a crack that keeps appearing.

Replacing your uPVC windows

If you’re worrying about the cost of replacing your uPVC windows, don’t: talk to an expert, and they’ll help you find the most affordable and convenient way to go about the work. You never know, it might be that your frame only needs a slight repair – such as having a new handle fitted – in which case your glazier will recommend the best course of action, and try to complete the work without unnecessarily wasting materials.

Attempting a DIY job to save on upfront costs is a false economy, meaning you will end up paying more in the long run. Installing, repairing and replacing windows requires specialist skills so, unless you are fully confident in your abilities and have carried out similar projects successfully in the past, then it’s best to leave window adjustments to the professionals, as you could end up causing more damage.

Here at Hamilton Windows, we know that unexpected costs can be disheartening. If your uPVC windows need replacing, contact us today. We’ll do everything we can to reduce the amount you need to pay out – this means being honest about parts that can be repaired.