Patio doors can last a long time but not forever. Is yours ready for replacing?

Patio doors can last a long time but not forever. Is yours ready for replacing?

Patio doors are designed to enhance your living space with natural light and garden views, save room by opening with a sliding motion, and improve your home’s energy-efficiency and security. Modern patio doors are manufactured using the strongest materials and are approved by bodies such as the British Standards Institute and the British Board of Agrément, but homeowners with older designs may find that a bit of maintenance is needed to get them up to standard. Knowing whether your patio doors need replacing, or simply a repair, can save you time, money and effort. Here are some clues that you can look out for.

Your patio door is sticking

The biggest indication that your patio door needs replacing is if it’s heavy to open and close. Sliding doors are supposed to glide smoothly along the metal tracks, and if the door is hard to operate then it could mean that the ball-bearing rollers are damaged or worn out. This is a typical problem in older patio doors, and can easily be upgraded to a modern design to ensure similar issues do not occur in the future. Though it may be possible to adjust the panels every so often, it is better and more cost-effective to replace the unit fully.

Another common issue with worn-out patio doors is that the weather stripping is no longer tight around the sliding doors. This means that the sliding panel moves when forced, and could potentially pose a security risk for your home. It might also result in a leak if the door isn’t able to protect your home against heavy rain. The frame may even start to deteriorate if moisture gets into it, which is a tell-tale sign that your patio doors needs to be replaced.

There’s a draught coming from your patio door

Your patio doors are supposed to keep your home warm, comfortable and free from cold spots. If you notice a draught coming from your door, then it’s possible that it needs replacing – especially if the door is old. Your patio door should be fitted with insulated frames and energy-efficient glazing to stop cold air getting in and to prevent heat loss.

Your patio doors are foggy

Double and triple glazing is fitted with a specially designed seal that keeps moisture out, allowing the glass to remain clear and ensuring the house can retain heat effectively. If you notice that the glass is becoming foggy, then this generally means that the seal has broken and air and moisture have penetrated the panes. Condensation is a clear sign that the glass and seal need to be replaced (though it’s not necessary to replace the entire patio door).

Here at Hamilton Windows, our glaziers can repair, upgrade and replace your patio doors. If you live in Carshalton or nearby in Surbiton, contact us today to find out more.