Triple glazing for added security, efficiency and noise reductionWhen it comes to windows and doors, most people have heard of, or know what to expect with, double glazing. But what about its three-paned cousin triple glazing? Today, Hamilton Windows is exploring a few of the instances in which this more robust solution might be right for you. Remember, once you’ve read the article, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our glazing team if you’d like to know more. Triple glazing – this option could be right for you if…

Your property is located under a flight path

The sound of a plane soaring past isn’t necessarily what you want to be hearing at 3:00am when you have that important meeting the next day. Triple glazing offers superior mitigation against noise pollution, guaranteeing you sleep soundly throughout the night.

Your home is on a busy road

or many of us in the capital, traffic noise is an occupational hazard of city living. However, you don’t have to suffer in silence (or lack thereof!). An extra pane of glass will offer even better protection against the sounds of the city.

You’re concerned about the environment

Double glazing is renowned for its ability to improve the energy efficiency of a property, hence why new builds feature it in order to encourage greener living. If you’re someone who cares about finding ecologically friendly building solutions, triple glazed products prevent excess energy expenditure, retaining heat in the winter, and keeping your space cool during summer.

You live in a cold climate

Triple glazing can help conserve more heat than their double glazed counterparts. So if you’re located in a part of the world that sees plummeting temperatures in the winter, triple glazing could be the route for you.

You’re concerned about condensation

Condensation is a small building issue that can lead to far worse problems is left unresolved. If you have low performing windows, you’re likely to see water droplets forming on the interiors of your property, which could lead to damp. High performing triple glazing products keep this at bay, meaning your property stays well insulated, and that you won’t have to spend money on a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture.

Give us a call today if you’re interested in triple glazing

Our telephone number is 020 8390 4855 or you can alternatively fill out our contact form and we’ll be in touch.

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