Project Description

Replacement uPVC Windows in Epsom

New windows can completely update the front and back of a property, becoming one of the easiest ways to give the exterior and interior of your home an overhaul. That’s what our property owner chose to do at their house in Epsom back in March this year.

The Project – Full Window Replacements

Our Surrey homeowner had decided to replace all of their windows in one project, requiring eight replacements in total. She was looking for a cost-effective solution which didn’t sacrifice the quality of the products, hoping to create a smart look for her home.

During the planning stages of the window installation, we had to make sure our customer was happy with the look of the glass unit. It was important to choose a design which fitted with the style and character of the house. Luckily, the perfect product was identified and our customer was happy to proceed.

New uPVC windows - complete window replacements in Epsom | Hamiltons
New uPVC windows - complete window replacements in Epsom | Hamiltons
New uPVC windows - complete window replacements in Epsom | Hamiltons

The Results – A Smart New Look

As a team, we overcome any challenges during projects by identifying problems and solving them with ease. Whenever we receive products from a manufacturer, we ensure they are of the highest quality and meet all specifications. In this case, we noticed a mark in one of the glass units. Therefore, we immediately ordered a new one and replaced this within a short space of time so that the installation was not delayed.

As you can see from the beautiful results, quality uPVC windows were selected in white. We added a square lead design to the glass which really suits the style of the house, creating an effective overall look.

What Did Our Customer Think of the Results?

Hamilton’s were professional, efficient and reasonable. They provided a personal yet professional service, allowing us to choose the designs which both suited our home and worked for us as a family, we could not fault them

We’re so pleased we could supply and install new windows which met all the customer’s needs, delivering a positive experience from start to finish!

Start Your Own Project

Here at Hamiltons, we offer an extensive range of windows and doors to revitalise the exterior and interior of your home. This includes our quality uPVC windows which come in an array of colours and designs, customising the look to fit the period of your property. Working across South London and Surrey, our friendly team will get to know your needs and guide you through the process with ease. Want to take a look at some of our best window collections? Call now on 020 8390 4855 or complete our short contact form.

Call our team now on 020 8390 4855 for a free quote
Call our team now on 020 8390 4855 for a free quote