Project Description

Flush Casement Aluminium Windows in Worcester Park

New windows can revitalise the look of a property, and there are several decisions you’ll need to make when selecting the best products. This includes the right colour and frame material to create the look you want for your home. This project took place in Worcester Park back in September.

The Project – Choosing New Aluminium Windows

These homeowners had used our services before and chose us again for their latest project. This time, they wanted their front windows replaced, liking the look of aluminium flush casement designs. Our couple were very pleased that we could find the style of window they wanted.

Aluminium is one of the most popular alternatives to uPVC windows, providing a premium product that offers a multitude of benefits to any property. This includes the ability to customise them with extensive colour choices, strong slimline frames which hold larger panes of glass and unrivalled thermal efficiency.

Flush casement aluminium windows: Worcester Park installation | Hamiltons
Casement Aluminium windows in Worcester Park from Hamiltons
Aluminium bay windows in Worcester Park from Hamiltons
uPVC flush casements windows installed in Worcester Park from Hamiltons

The Results – Flush Casement Windows

We always check products thoroughly before installation to ensure you only get the highest quality of windows. When these ones arrived, our experienced team found some of the glass units had marks inside, but we managed to reorder and fit them within a couple of days. The customers were very impressed with our efficiency in doing this and the speed at which the problem was rectified without further disruption.

As you can see from the images, we installed lovely flush casement windows in a white aluminium shade. We fitted both the top and bottom three-part bay windows, as well as the bathroom window. We also installed eight replacement glass sealed units in the back bedroom and shower room.

What Did Our Customer Think of the Results?

I’m very happy with my new windows, the workmanship was to a very high standard, we did have a few problems with the glass (having scratches and smears) this was sorted straight away, ordered and replaced within 2 days…so all good in the end. I would definitely recommend them, very friendly and prompt.

Start Your Own Project

Here at Hamiltons, we provide an enjoyable experience from the moment you get in touch, always listening to your needs and delivering a no-pressure sales policy. This allows you to talk through your options with an expert more easily and take a look at all the windows and doors we have available across Surrey and South London locations. To book your consultation and free, no obligation quotation, call now on 020 8390 4855 or fill out our simple contact form.

Call our team now on 020 8390 4855 for a free quote
Call our team now on 020 8390 4855 for a free quote